Phone: 612-219-7469


Amy Heigel

New IPE Women’s Physique Pro

STARTING BODY FAT & WEIGHT: 16.9%, 148 lbs
ENDING BODY FAT & WEIGHT: 9.1%, 126 lbs

“My journey to the Mr. & Mrs. Natural Minnesota began on January 5th, 2018 with my coach Dusty Olson and I stepped on stage on May 26th, 2018. Late 2017 I was discouraged with Phase 2 Degenerative bone disease (severe arthritis) throughout my entire spine. This caused me to have pain in my neck, right shoulder and my entire left leg. For several years it was painful to sit, my neck was stiff/sore right shoulder pain. But I was determined to not allow this disease to stop me from being active. This is one of the main reasons decided to compete. I am so grateful for my FAITH and chiropractic care. Through the power of daily prayers and chiropractic care, my condition improved greatly. When I competed in 2016 I was unable to do any type of HIIT or high-volume lifting without pain. Throughout prep, leading up to the stage, I was able to do 55 minutes of HIIT (6 days a week) and higher-volume weight lifting (6 days a week).

On May 26, at the Mr. & Mrs. Natural Minnesota (6 shows later) I earned my Pro Card in Women’s Physique ages 40 & over. So very grateful and blessed for God, my coaches (Dusty and Kelsie Olson) and my Renovation Training Teammates. Without God, my coaches and my teammates’ encouragement and support, I wouldn’t have been able to successfully compete in my journey to the stage. I am so truly grateful for all of you!

Dusty, thank you for always being available when I need you, for always encouraging me to improve and never give up. Your support, dedication and commitment to all your clients are beyond words. I am truly GRATEFUL for you! You are an amazing coach! You are a great gift from God!”